Review for:The Lac OperonIf you used this resource in your own classroom, please add your review. posted: on June 7, 2008 at 7:56AM
My rating of this resource: ****
My experience using this resource: Biology
Topic I was teaching: Operations of the genes
My learning goal for which this resource was used: Have students understand the way prokaryotes "turn on" and off genes.
Course Level: Honors or Advanced, Intro or Regular
How I/my students used the resource: I used the animation as part of a lecture taking the process step by step. Students then had to summarize what they were seeing. They were then to use the rest of the site as a review session at home.
Value Added: Provides visualization or animation, Provides practice or tutorial
Strengths: Very easy to work and easy for students to understand. The aniamtion is not over crowded with too many objects. This can be used in the classroom or just as a student review sheet.
Weaknesses: Not too many considering what it is. We don't spend a lot of time on this subject so it works for our needs.