Review for:The Virtual Body

If you used this resource in your own classroom, please add your review.


posted: on June 7, 2008 at 7:35AM

My rating of this resource: ***

My experience using this resource:
General biology

Topic I was teaching:
Circulatory system

My learning goal for which this resource was used:
To have students understand the anatomy of the heart and how blood flows through the heart.

Course Level:
Intro or Regular

How I/my students used the resource:
Students had access to this site as a resource. I used part I- anatomy of the heart in my lecture. I used the heart beat animation as a demonstration.

Value Added:
Provides visualization or animation, Provides additional content

Very easy to get onto,virtually no loading time. Can move from one of the animations to the other very quickly. I like the parts of the heart because you do not see the label until the cursor is over the section. It can be used as a tutorial in that respect. The part on the blood flow is nice because you can change the pace of the flow.

It is not very large on the screen so it can be hard to see, might be better used with individual computers. As a learning tool it should be supplimented with other work.

Researching the Wireless High School: Effects on Science Teaching and Implications for Professional Development, Copyright 2013 TERC.
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