Review for:Scirus - Science SearchIf you used this resource in your own classroom, please add your review. posted: on June 3, 2008 at 10:09AM
My rating of this resource: ****
My experience using this resource: Environmental Science
Topic I was teaching: Looking for resources on the waste stream.
My learning goal for which this resource was used: I was developing a unit on garbage and wanted to find resources on our waste stream.
Course Level: Honors or Advanced, Intro or Regular
How I/my students used the resource: I was developing a unit on garbage and wanted to find resources on our waste stream. I used this search site to generate a list of potential documents and readings for the students.
Value Added: Provides access to data sets, Increases access to scientists, Provides additional content
Strengths: Generates a good list of documents that would be much more difficult to pull together with a simple web search like Google. Great advanced search options.
Weaknesses: much of the content may be over the heads of my 9th graders.