Review for:Intuitor: Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics

If you used this resource in your own classroom, please add your review.


posted: on June 9, 2008 at 4:09PM

My rating of this resource: *****

My experience using this resource:

Topic I was teaching:
you name it -- the site has physics of it. The majority of movies are geared towards mechanics

My learning goal for which this resource was used:
Engaging way to get student's attention and engagement

Course Level:
A.P., Honors or Advanced, Intro or Regular, Remedial

How I/my students used the resource:
Site gives you many ways of looking at different movies. It rates movies as to their physics correctness. You could ask students to pick one off of the bad movie list and ask them to discuss why it is bad. They also have student lessons based on it where you can actually take data.

Value Added:
Provides visualization or animation, Provides access to data sets, Increases data collection & analysis skills, Provides practice or tutorial, Provides additional content, Provides assessment opportunity, Increases student engagement and motivation

Great ideas for demonstrations and some good lab work. Students love movies and this already increases student engagement.

Can be hard to find the movies and some of their lab work takes a fair amount of time

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