Review for:Hardy Weinberg/Population animation

If you used this resource in your own classroom, please add your review.


posted: on June 29, 2007 at 5:38PM

My rating of this resource: ****

My experience using this resource:

Topic I was teaching:
Hardy Weinberg, genetic expression in a population

My learning goal for which this resource was used:
To help students see the differences between selection, mutation, genetic drift and the ways these forces can change the genetic frequencies.

Course Level:
Honors or Advanced, Intro or Regular

How I/my students used the resource:
I used the animation in class to illustrate the concepts we were discussing. I also sent the link to students so they could view it on their own.

Value Added:
Provides visualization or animation

It uses a simple model to show the differences between evolutionary forces. Visual learners found it quite helpful.

You can't control the speed and it goes a little too fast for some students. It is a bit simplistic in its presentation.

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