Review for:Refraction of lightIf you used this resource in your own classroom, please add your review. posted: on February 19, 2007 at 1:46PM
My rating of this resource: ****
My experience using this resource: Physics
Topic I was teaching: Refraction of light.
My learning goal for which this resource was used: The studenta had to 1) identify the angle of incidence, the normal, and the angle of refraction, 2) predict how the angle of refraction changes as they change the mediums and the wavelengh of light.
Course Level: Intro or Regular
How I/my students used the resource: The students had to set the angle of incidence equal to 50 degrees. Then, they had to switch to monochromatic light and change the mediums while keeping the angle of incidence and the wavelength unchanged. They had to repeat the experiment on refraction of light for 5 different wavelenghs (in the range from from purple to red light) while keeping the angle of incidence equal to 50 degrees. The obtained data were recorded into a table.
Value Added: Provides visualization or animation, Increases data collection & analysis skills, Provides a virtual lab, Increases student engagement and motivation
Strengths: This resource is easy to use, and it provides a good virtual lab, especially when, for some reason, the actual refraction lab equipment is not available.
Weaknesses: None