Review for:The Virtual Cell

If you used this resource in your own classroom, please add your review.


posted: on December 29, 2006 at 11:54AM

My rating of this resource: ***

My experience using this resource:
Advacned Biology

Topic I was teaching:
Cell Structure

My learning goal for which this resource was used:
Students will understand the role and placement of the major organelles of a typical eukaryotic cell.

Course Level:
Honors or Advanced

How I/my students used the resource:
Student worked in groups of two in the computer lab going through The Virtual Cell website and aswering questions that I gave out in a worksheet.

Value Added:
Provides visualization or animation, Provides practice or tutorial, Provides additional content, Increases student engagement and motivation

This site is a good place to start. Students clan click on parts of the cell to learn more detail and it allows them to vitually cut the organelle to see inside. Also has link to a virtual textbook for further information.

The graphics are pretty simple and tha animation is not that exciting but it still is a good site to start the discussion.

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