Review for:Teacher's DomainIf you used this resource in your own classroom, please add your review. posted: on January 8, 2008 at 9:06PM
My rating of this resource: *****
My experience using this resource: Physics
Topic I was teaching: Any would work, but I found it useful for simple motion and Newton's laws
My learning goal for which this resource was used: Looking for a video resource to support what students were doing in the class
Course Level: Honors or Advanced, Intro or Regular, Remedial
How I/my students used the resource: I used it as a place to find video, flash interactive objects, and HTML documents for the class. Student can also use it to help them explore any topic they are covering in class
Value Added: Provides visualization or animation, Increases modeling skills, Provides a virtual lab, Provides practice or tutorial, Provides additional content, Increases student engagement and motivation
Strengths: Very large collection of resources
Weaknesses: None