Resource Description:
Logger Pro

5 reviews available
average rating: ****
Author: Vernier Software
Media: Software, Probeware
Cost: Fee
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Types: Visualization or Animation, Graphing, Modeling, or Mapping, Remote Data Sets or Instrumentation, Data collection/analysis tool
of resource:
Logger Pro is a probeware software. In other words, Logger Pro is a way of using a computer, calculator, or pda to collect data. This program with appropriate sensors could collect data that as a human you couldn't. It not only collects the data, but graphs it in real time and gives you tools to analyze it right within the same program.

Perhaps everyone knows about this program, but it is worth a teacher resource mention because of its far reaching applications.

Posted to site: 11/27/2006
Researching the Wireless High School: Effects on Science Teaching and Implications for Professional Development, Copyright 2013 TERC.
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