Resource Description:
Nuclear Chemistry

1 review available
average rating: ****
Link: ?c3=&mid=59&l
"Visionlearning is an innovative educational resource designed for students, teachers, parents or anyone interested in learning. Our website features a free, bilingual library of succinct, award-winning learning modules that integrate text, multimedia, and other resources to make learning exciting."
Author: Ph.D. Anthony Carpi
Media: Webware
Cost: Free
Subjects: Chemistry, Physics
Types: Visualization or Animation, Graphing, Modeling, or Mapping
of resource:
The site gives a description of the material supplemented with relevent images and flash animations, which help to demonstate the concepts. The site also has many terms linked to a glossary which is also available in spanish. The site explains the history of the discovery of radiation and discusses nuclear reactions and half-life. Each concept is concise with appropriate images. Also available to member of this site are topic specific quizzes.
Posted to site: 10/17/2006
Researching the Wireless High School: Effects on Science Teaching and Implications for Professional Development, Copyright 2013 TERC.
Funded by NSF #0455795. Opinions expressed on this site are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the National Science Foundation.

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