Resource Description:

1 review available
average rating: ****
Hyperphysics is hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Georgia, where Dr. Nave is a professor.
You CAN purchase a cross platform CD of the information for $50 from Nave
Author: Carl Rod Nave
Media: Software, Webware
Cost: Free
Subjects: Physics
Types: Visualization or Animation, Graphing, Modeling, or Mapping, Online Textbook (sort of )
of resource:
From the website, quoting the Merlot Award:
Merlot Classic Award winner for 2005
"This site was honored because of its comprehensive coverage of most of physics, the creative use of multimedia and linking, and the impact it has had on students worldwide. Online tutorials cover a wide range of physics topics, including modern physics and astronomy. Material is organized through extensive concept maps."
Posted to site: 01/25/2007
Researching the Wireless High School: Effects on Science Teaching and Implications for Professional Development, Copyright 2013 TERC.
Funded by NSF #0455795. Opinions expressed on this site are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the National Science Foundation.

Note: NSF funding for this project has ended and this site has been converted to a static archive of the working site; dynamic functionality including logging in, search, and posting have been disabled.