Resource Description:
Vernier Motion Sensor

3 reviews available
average rating: ****
Media: Probeware
Cost: Fee
Subjects: Physics
Types: Visualization or Animation, Graphing, Modeling, or Mapping, Data collection/analysis tool
of resource:
From the Vernier website: "The Motion Detector uses ultrasound to measure distance. Ultrasonic pulses are emitted by the Motion Detector, reflected from a target, and then detected by the device. The time it takes for the reflected pulses to return is used to calculate position, velocity, and acceleration. This allows you to study the motion of objects such as a person walking, a ball in free fall, or a cart on a ramp."
Posted to site: 12/18/2006
Researching the Wireless High School: Effects on Science Teaching and Implications for Professional Development, Copyright 2013 TERC.
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